Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Sports Show

Brett Favre is now officially the Vikins' latest quarterback - and his new purple-and-gold jersey represents the NFL-endorse Minneapolis, Minn. pro football club's legacy on winning more punts, kicks, throws, touchdowns and runs than any other spectator sporting team in recent memory.

According to The Sports Show's Sid Hartman, would you buy a Vikings jersey from this quarterback?

Friday, August 28, 2009

Heathers Comes to TV, Thanks to FOX

How dare FOX resurrect the 20-year-old Christian Slather film Heathers into a made-for-TV movie?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Risk Factors

Ghost in the Machine is a futuristic thriller in which a man gets electrocuted.

Alka-Seltzer Commercial

Mama mia, that was a spicy commercial!

Alka-Seltzer Commercial

Mama mia, that was a spicy commercial!

Vodpod Spotlight

Mama Mia, do I need Alka-Seltzer right away!

Ace Watson's Run's Movie of the Day

Dogberry & Bob: Private Investigators

Watch Dogberry Doyle and Bob Degg crack the case of David Cage, the notorious "Teddy Bear Murderer."

The Fraggler: More Sarcastic Truce from Blinkx Remote

Catch up on great programming on! Enjoy full-length episodes and movies for FREE!

Friday, August 21, 2009

More Sarcastic Truce from Blinkx Remote

Blinkx Remote: Highway Patrol
Broderick Crawford played CHP Officer Mathews in these exciting episodes of the classic 1950s syndicated TV drama series.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

That's a Bunch of Munsch!

Cookie Jar Entertainment

A Bunch of Munsch, with Robert Munsch as its host and storyteller, explores an extrodinary world where dreams come to life... and new animated worlds are born!

Check out Robert Munsch's official Web site for a list of all his books that inspired the Canadian-produced series.

Kingdom Done

I dare you! That was the phrase coined by William H. Danforth in his bestselling classic nonfiction motivational guide that has been published for many decades throughout much of the 20th century. Still, Danforth's challenges to children, teenagers and 'tweens were defiant and relevant during his career as the man who founded Ralston Foods and Nestle Purina PetCare, respectively, in the 19th century and lived on to every day by making a difference in everyday juvenile lives.

Taking on the Rules of the Road

Comedian Frankie Howerd was, in any language, the most offbeat British jokemeister ever - at a

time when all comedians face their fates in the post-Benny Hill era.

As the narrator of the hit U.K. animated series The Blunders, Howerd never lost his sight of humor because he believed in Britain and the people who lived in the same country in Europe

that has long been the heart and soul of international comedy for decades.

Howerd knew how free and clear performing on stage was as he emerged as the highly successful comedy act in the U.K. Only more so.

Did everybody play Landslide while they still were living in the 1970s?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Who Do You Chase Shadows?

A pre-And Now, I Pronounce You Chuck and Larry Dennis Dugan traced paranormal evidence on
the short-lived 1985/86 ABC sci-fi action/comedy/mystery series Shadow Chasers. Above: Benny and Prof. McKensie crack the case of an invisible phantom hovering over a retail shopping
center in Phantom of the Galleria.
On, you will find complete information on all 16 episodes of this begotten classic comedy/mystery hour, as well as biographies of the SC cast members, photographic stills from the series, and streaming video footage and full-length installments.

Nobody Lay a Finger on Nestle The Finger Bar

On, watch an unofficial spokesman for the Swiss food group Nestle endorse The Finger candy bar as an April Fool's Day prank.

When Rain Came to Town

Should meteorologists predict the toughest weather ever in August? The folks at The Weather Channel are making sure every drop of rain fall mainly on highways, freeways, byways and even crops of food - from corn and soybeans to tomatoes and other vegetables and fruits - comes from substances such as oxygen and hydrogen. Mmmm... great tasting food crops produced by rain are ready for harvesting... and, fortunately, there will be more rain ahead of time by month's end.

I am proud to say that rain is an abundant source of energy for lovely, growing florals, veggies and fruits - because it simply hold the amount of water need to provided them during the not-so-sunny days.

Which means Mom and I will really have to pick the tomatoes off the vine and the raspberries from the garden.

Now, meteorologists are predicting what to come in the weeks ahead if rain hits major cities across the U.S.

Take local TV meteorologist Kevin O'Connell of Buffalo, N.Y. O'Connell is Western New York's most prolific and trusted local newcast meteorologist, having tracked down rain hovering the Greater Metropolitan Buffalo/Toronto Area (think the East Coast meets the Canadian Border) in
a single week. (Remember O'Connell presiding over NBC's short-lived daytime game show Go back in the early 1980s?)

Belinda Jensen of KARE-TV in Minneapolis, Minn. reported says the Twin Cities will continue to
rain today and this evening, probably before the end of the week.

Brett Favre Joins the Minnesota Vikings

It's official: Brett Farve is trading in the Big Apple for the Twin Cities when he begins his first season with the professional football club known today as the Minnesota Vikings later this month at the Metrodome in downtown Minneapolis.